+852 6364 8304



Resveratrol is a phytoalexin produced naturally by a variety of plants as  antibacterial and antifungal when attacked by pathogenic bacteria or fungi. Resveratrol is found in red grape skins and is one of the antioxidant compounds found  in red wine. Dr. Howitz and Dr. Zipkin discovered that resveratrol is a potent activator of the longevity gene SIRT1 enzyme with many beneficial health effects have been reported, such as anticancer, antiviral, neuroprotective, antiaging, anti-inflammatory, and life-span-extending effects.The cells in our body contain an important substance called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). Our cells require NAD+ for a variety of metabolic purposes, such as producing energy and repairing damaged DNA. As we age, NAD+ levels in the body gradually decrease. To maintain healthy NAD+ levels, one of the clinically proven methods is to consume more of its precursor β-nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) from the diet. It can directly replenish NAD+ levels in our cells.Propietary Tablet

Infinity_Power.pngIt solves the problem of capsules being decomposed by gastric acid when opened in the stomach. Tablets are easier to eat than capsules and are not affected by gastric acid, reaching the intestinal tract for gradu¬al dissolution and absorption. Each tablet contains 500 mg of the main ingredients, making it easy for users to take.


Resveratrol & NMN Double Fomulation
•  Boost NAD+ level
•  Activate longevity genes (Sirtuins)
•  Repair DNA damages
•  Enhance metabolic functions
•  Skin whitening & repair UV damage
•  Rejuvenation
•  Improve heart health, blood vessel elasticity
•  Prevent aging brain degeneration
•  Anti-oxidant
•  Improve insulin sensitivity
•  Prevent bone loss
•  Protect liver health
•  Improve immune response
•  Improve blood sugar and fat metabolism
•  Improve vision

Resvertrol & NAD+ synergise to acivate SIRT1 Longevity Gene
product1_06.jpgSIRT1, mTOR and AMPK are the three main metabolic pathways that influence the body's aging process. They are not only affected by dietary caloric restriction, exercise and fasting, but also regulate each other.
To achieve the effect of resisting aging, it is mainly necessary to activate the longevity gene SIRT1 and AMPK pathways and simultaneously inhibit the operation of mTOR. Resveratrol is the most effective natural activator of SIRT1 enzyme currently found in scientific research. Resveratrol can bind directly to the SIRT1 enzyme. When sufficient NAD+ is present, resveratrol is more effective in increasing the activity of the SIRT1 enzyme and directly affects many other beneficial health effects.

Father of MNM
The famous Harvard geneticist and leader in the field has published groundbreaking papers on NMN anti-aging/lon- gevity in top journals such as Nature, Cell, and Science. He himself consumes 1000 mg of NMN and 1000 mg of resveratrol every day to delay senescence.



QWhy should we supplement NMN instead of directly supplementing NAD+?
ABecause NAD+ is a positively charged macromolecule, it cannot be absorbed by the digestive system. Dr. Sinclair discovered that the molecules of NMN are finer and neutral, and are easily absorbed by the body and converted into NAD+ for the body's needs.
QWhat is RVT-NMN 15000+15000 stand for?
AThis is the total content of 60 tablets in the whole box. Each tablet contains 250 mg of resveratrol and 250 mg of NMN.
QWhat is the best time to take RVT-NMN?
ATake 2-4 capsules once a day. It is recommended to take it in the morning/before lunch and avoid taking it at night.
QWhat is the difference between our RVT-NMN and other NMN products with added resveratrol in the market?
AClinical trials of resveratrol all use doses of more than 300 mg per day. Most products on the market do not contain sufficient doses of resveratrol. Our products are formulated in a one-to-one dose, with four capsules per day. , you can take 1000 mg of resveratrol and 1000 mg of NMN every day.
QHow many tablets RVT-NMNcan be taken daily?
ADr. Sinclair recommends consuming 500-1000 mg of NMN every day, which is equivalent to 2-4 tablets of RVT-NMN, and also obtains 500-1000 mg of resveratrol to achieve sufficient daily recommended intake.
QIs our RVT-NMN tablets superior than normal capsules?
AResveratrol is an oily substance that is insoluble in water. When taken in capsules or pure powder, it forms insoluble aggregates in the stomach and intestines, making it difficult to absorb. Our tablet formulation disperses insoluble resveratrol in soluble NMN ingredients. The tablets remain intact in the stomach to avoid acid damage to NMN and enter the intestine, where NMN and resveratrol are gradually dispersed and absorbed.
QWho is not suitable to take RVT-NMN?
AAlthough medical research has found that resveratrol has anti-cancer effects, however, the chemical structure of resveratrol are also similar to that of human estrogen, thus it may mimic some the functions of estrogen on some cells in the body. Hence it may increase risk to people who are suffering from Estrogen-driven gynecological diseases , such as breast cancer and uterine fibroids. Although there is no clinical data confirming this risk, people with these conditions should avoid taking this supplement.
Nutrition Information                

Serving size: 2 tablets                    

Servings per container: 30                    

daily value*Amount per serving                
500mg*500mgβ-NMN (99.98%)                
**     500mg     Trans-Resveratrol                
Per Serving                
0kcal (0kJ)Energy                

0gTotal fat                    

0g  Saturated fat                    

0g  Trans fat                    

0.2gTotal carbohydrates                    

0.2g  Dietary fibre                    

0g  Sugars                    


* The beneficial effect observed with a daily intake of NMN    

**Beneficial daily intake varies between individuals    

Other Ingredients    

Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC), Microcrystalline cellulose; Magnesium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide, Bright blue pigments